Jack is a writer whose research, facilitation and coaching focuses on helping people grow deeper connections in their organizations and communities. He is the originator of The Agile Canvas that is globally revolutionizing the way we grow smart organizations and partner with
The highlights of Jack's rich career have been many. Doing graduate studies in positive psychology and starting teaching in mindfulness in the late 70s. Being a keynoter to major corporate and global conferences. Teaching storytelling to scientists at the Kennedy School and grant design to post-Docs at UC Berkeley. Transforming entrepreneurship education with Amazon aboriginal leaders. Receiving his African name, Sekou (Wise Man) after transformational community building work a few years ago.
20-time author, Jack has been delivering workshops and coaching over the past 3 decades, in over 24 industry sectors with hundreds of organizations and dozens of communities across the US and globally. Jack's work is based on his experience, his writing and the latest science and research.
Jack has worked with multi-national companies, foundations and non-profits like IBM, PayPal, NASA, American Red Cross, Smucker's, FedEx, Federal Reserve Bank, USDA, Switzer Foundation, E&Y and investment leaders from Silicon Valley.
Jack has taught in graduate and post-graduate programs in the areas of positive leadership, community building, entrepreneurship and storytelling including Kent State University's EMBA program. He was one of the first virtual collaboration designers, bloggers, social media and social network experts.
Jack's 20 books include Collaborative Creativity, Accidental Conversations, Project Zen, Appreciative Leadership, Mountain Paths, Conscious Becoming, Instructions from the Cook, The Stories that Connect Us, The Enchantment of Casual Origins, The Joy of Thriving, Ordinary Eyes, The Agile Canvas Field Guide, Abundant Possibilities, The Power Of Circles, Making Sense Of Time, Beyond Recipes, Focus, Smarter Together, Growing Ideas and The Art Of Conversations.
With a graduate degree in positive psychology from Goddard College, Jack was trained by global leaders in American, European and Japanese transformation models. Jack continues to coach entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs as he has since the late 90s.
Learn more about Jack's groundbreaking Agile Canvas Strategic Planning model. For narratives on Jack's industries served & clients visit Stories. For more on Jack's articles, visit Medium.com/@JackRicchiuto