The Stories That Connect Us Invitation

This is both a why-to and how-to book on the power of stories in the possibilities of our connections. It is a space where I invite you to join me in exploring questions like:

  • Why have stories been the most powerful way of connecting since the beginning of time?
  • Is social media eroding or empowering our cultural capacity for narrative?
  • What kinds of personal stories have the greatest potential for creating rich connections?
  • What are the design elements of well-crafted stories?
  • How can we listen to evoke rich meaning from each other's stories?
  • How can we build and enrich our portfolio of personal stories?
  • Why do stories have more power than statistics in inspiring transformation and change?

Most importantly, use the book as a guide to practice so storycrafting, storytelling, and storylistening can bring a new richness and thrivancy to your life’s connections.


9 I n v i t a t i o n

1 1 T h e C a s e f o r S t o r i e s
The golden age of connection Why we love stories Once, upon a time Are we losing our narrative aesthetic? To live is to connect The stories we are Mythographic identities Quality connections The 3 dimensions of our connections Why we connect Intentional connections The power of the tribe Alien Nation The stories that introduce us Stories that build trust Stories as tools of change

4 3 T h e N a t u r e o f S t o r i e s
Stories as myth The myths we share No, it was Tuesday The power of fiction Stories & our essential uniqueness

5 7 S t o r y C r a f t i n g
Every story is hand-crafted Story typologies From experience to story All stories are intentionally constructed Constructing our stories Storycrafting intentionality Our choice of stories One possible story Narrative aesthetic Ebe's Wish (South Africa) Characters Context Complications Conclusion Elements of enrichment Catalyst Container Commentary Companion stories Sizing stories The timing of endings The moral of the story Start with conclusions Narrative architecture Strengthening your stories What’s not important Crowded stories Legacy stories Our signature stories Futuring stories Stories of innocence & engagement Every discipline, a container of stories Living new stories

1 1 1 S t o r y t e l l i n g
The principles of storytelling Storytelling contexts Honoring our stories Our inherited stories Stories that reveal & conceal Re/minding the brain Storytelling as dialogue The clash of stories old & new Story protectors Stories that unite & divide Sharability footprints The power of old stories Traditional stories Gossip Returned stories OPS Shameless storytelling Collecting stories The magic of practice The trance of storytelling

1 4 3 S t o r y l i s t e n i n g
The elements of storylistening If this was my story... So, what’s your story? Story as self-discovery Engaging imagination Listening/ resonance & curiosity Not listening Stop me if I’ve told this one ... Positive deviance Choosing the stories we hear Harvesting stories The magic of reframing How stories travel Media boosts

1 6 5 T h e f u t u r e o f s t o r i e s
Our obsession with measurement The myth of measurement Personality typing Statistics Creating the community we want The future of connections The future of belonging connections The future of learning connections The future of asset connections The future of play connections The future of power connections The future of narrative Five things to do

1 8 4 G r a t i t u d e

1 8 5 My s t o r i e s
Mrs. Quiggans’ House Mike’s Mishaps The Summer of ’72 Declaring My Major Master of Surprises Innovation Day Finding my voice

2 0 1 S h o r t S t o r i e s
Sal’s Return (Sicily) Obrad’s Girls (Serbia) Peter & Zoe (New Mexico) Yukiko's Invitation (Japan) Gabriela’s Secret (South America) Heaven & Earth (Nepal) Ethan’s View (Ireland)