Flawless Planning Self-Assessment
In this brief self-assessment, you will get clear on how flawless your planning is. It reveals opportunities where you can start making your planning flawless and where you can make it more flawless. Apply the questions to something you’re currently planning or take a plan you’re currently working from.
What scenarios are you working on?
Do you have at least two scenario you’re working on? A scenario is a version of a situation—one way you imagine it could or will go. Your planning is flawless when you’re working on more than one scenario.
How are you describing success for it?
Do you have a description of what success would look like? This description details what you want to see possible. Your planning is flawless when you’re working from a clear description of success.
What are your uncertainties?
Do you have a list of things you’re assuming and things that are unclear about this scenario? Assumptions are guesses, speculations, and opinions—things that are unclear are things that are undefined, unconfirmed, or undecided. Your planning is flawless when you’re working from lists of things you’re assuming and things that are unclear.
What questions are you answering?
Do you have questions you’re working from and, if so, are you answering any with actions, and if you are, what have you gained and learned from them? Questions are things we don’t yet know—which can be translations of what we’re assuming and what’s unclear. Your planning is flawless when you’re working, making progress, and learning from questions.
For more about the flawless planning, check out the Resources here on the site.