
The Simple Power Of Being Focused In Our Work.
2015 Jack Ricchiuto | DesigningLife Books
Paperback | 120p |  $14.95 US

From the back Cover:

Drawing from the neurosciences, 17-time author Jack Ricchiuto presents a fresh approach to being focused in every dimension of your work. Discover how the quality of your experience at work is equal to the quality of attention you bring to it. When you are focused, you are less distracted and reactive. You get things done and enjoy what life offers you to enjoy. You are at your best. 

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No era in human history has seen the kinds of change, complexity and connectivity at work we are seeing now. In this landscape, the most vital competency is our capacity for focus. 

When we are focused, we work with a sense of clarity and calmness. We are less distracted and reactive. We get more done. We see possibilities we would otherwise miss. We enjoy more of what life offers us to enjoy. In our work, focus is the dog that wags the tail of everything good.

Clarity and calmness are optimal spaces for engaging our strengths and passions. Working from our strengths and passions makes our weaknesses and self-doubts less relevant. Focus keeps us creative, connected and agile.

In this exploration of focus, I draw wisdom from the neurosciences and over three decades of research and work in positive psychology and work with thousands of groups in over two dozen industries and sectors.

Our best intentions have power when we show up with focus. Focus is the power of surfing the waves of change that contour our landscapes of work. When we see things in our work going well, it’s because we are focused. 

Focus is a consciousness that creates the energy vibrations of a clear, calm mind. The quality of our attention is the most significant factor in the narratives of our success. This is the simple power of focus.


The nature of focus

    9  Invitation 
  13  The primacy of focus
  14  Focus
  17  In sync with change
  19  Information overload
  21  Change blindness
  23  Follow through
  24  The business case
  27  Clarity and calmness
  28  Static 
  29  Intuition
  31  Focus is simple 
  33  Wiring our brain for focus

The practice of focus

  37  5 practices of focus
  43  Context and context
  44  Generalizations and opinions
  48  The power of intention
  49  Subtle practice
  51  The transition from unfocused to focused 
  53  Breaths of focus
  54  But my body is amazing
  55  The virtues of multitasking
  57  Anywhere, anytime

Deepening focus

  61  Consciousness
  62  The joy of focus
  64  Shiny objects
  65  Unfocused together
  67  The wisdom of “don’t know”
  68  Growth mindsets
  69  Windows on the world
  71  The paradoxes of being focused and unfocused
  73  Possibility space
  74  The tyranny of lists
  76  Uniqueness
  78  Urban walks
  79  Flow
  81  Nature

Focus at work

  85  Engagement
  87  Meetings
  89  The feedback conundrum
  91  Oh, the buttons they push
  93  By the way
  94  Charts and graphs
  95  Anti-todo lists
  96 Sane and crazy
  98 Drama
  99 Everything is our teacher
100 Being in control
103  What futurists do, really
104 Quality introductions, quality connections
105 Kindness
107 Listening
110 The people we care for
112 Leadership as remindership
113 Focused organizations
115 Courage
117 Jack Ricchiuto

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