Design Thinking Assessment

Internal locus of control

The belief that we have the ability to influence our outcomes, rather than let our circumstances determine the course of our lives.

  • I believe I am the primary cause of my successes and failures

  • Good things happen because I put effort into making them happen

  • No matter how much I try to do well, things don’t go my way

  • A lot of life is basically about luck

  • My happiness seems caused more by factors outside my control

  • I envy people who can achieve their goals and dreams

Growth mindset

The belief that we can grow and develop through action and effort by focusing on learning rather than performance goals.

  • I can learn anything I put time into learning

  • When I run into obstacles and problems, I believe I can learn my way to progress

  • I try to learn new things every day

  • When I fail at something, I can usually learn from it

  • I tend to avoid people who expect or want me to be different

  • I think I can change my mind when needed


The belief that we can achieve our goals

  • I think I have a lot of things that get in the way of being as successful as I think I should be

  • Friends and family think I’m talented

  • It’s more likely I will achieve what I want than not

  • I have had many moments of personal achievement in my life

  • I like new challenges

  • People who know me often have more faith in me than I have in myself

Intrinsic motivation

The belief we can take pleasure in the task itself, rather than any extrinsic rewards received from performing the task

  • There are a lot of things I do because I should or have to

  • If something loses its promise of a future reward, I tend to lose interest in it

  • I often question why I stick to the things I stick to

  • When I lose momentum in an effort, it’s hard to get it back

  • I can lose track of time doing something I enjoy

  • Sometimes I'll commit to something just because I like doing it


The belief in the optimistic explanatory style, seeing challenges as temporary and fixable,

  • Even when life feels out of control, things usually work out for me

  • It takes me a while to bounce back from personal setbacks

  • I will avoid trying something if I think failing is a possibility

  • I think if something can go wrong, it will

  • It's easy for me to ask for help when I feel stuck

  • Being in a space of uncertainty is more motivating than frustrating