Many people are rather surprised when we slay the sacred cows of meetings. There is a fair amount of shameless heresy when we declare dysfunctional the "proven" practices of agendas, presentations, brainstorming, parking lots and voting.
As much as these are better than overt chaos, there is no evidence to support they are optimum practices when we want a strong culture of engagement. They are all artifacts of an era when compliance rather than engagement was the success metric of choice.
High engagement meetings have a completely different design, feel and impact than low engagement meetings supported by the five classic meeting habits.
People are always writing and organizing group notes, conversations require more time or people not present are instantly scheduled, people with unique knowledge are soliciting and responding to people's questions, what can be done more efficiently in small breakout groups is, both-and is preferred to either-or, things are so fluid nothing has the power to dominate anything or anyone, people defer decisions by assumptions to live and scheduled research, everyone looks, sounds and feels optimally engaged.