Nimble leader as convener

The transition from slow to nimble teams is smoother with the transition from slow to nimble leaders.

In a slow culture of permissions, slow leaders make sure everything works by approval. As a team discovers how to work in sync with aligned integrity, inclusion and initiative, they make possible the good they seek through the goodness they have. People work more from freedom to do their best than approvals.

Leaders add value as conveners of beautiful conversations. These are conversiations where people are thinking together, not just talking together. Convening is an art and craft. It involves the nuances of question and story sharing that optimizes people being engaged, smarter, faster and better together. People grow together.

This builds capacity more than dependency. Nimble leaders become more free to help the team be proactive, aligned with other teams and partners, mindful of their markets and continously entrepreneurial. 

Teams become more nimble. People feel and act valued, connected and free to grow together.