A simple decision process

We can keep decisions simple with a 3-dimensional approach that parallels the spirit and power of the Agile Canvas. It's a process engaging iterations of hopes, questions and options.

Hopes describe what we consider good in what we want to see from this decision, in any given timeframes. Questions are anything we want to explore, clarify and research. Options are approaches to the good we seek. Using cards, we keep identifying and working on whatever emerges in these three dimensions.

What typically results are realistic, attractive and supportable decisions.

3 Ways to Faster Team Decisions

Get the questions right, not the debate long

There are two ways to approach decisions: by questions or debate. By questions, we move forward together one question at a time. Questions are anything unknown, unverified, unclarified, undecided or unresolved. The velocity of question based decisions is dramatically faster and more realistic than decision by debate.

Don't postpone action for perfection

However much confidence and consensus a decision holds, it creates as much uncertainty as we would have if we postpone it. We can make good decisions well that result in all kinds of uncertainty. A sense of certainty is not a guarantee of a good decision. In most cases action is necessary to move things forward in a positive way.

Keep a nimble tempo

We can make decisions faster simply by timing conversations for increased frequency. A decision based on daily or bi-weekly conversations will go faster than those with weekly or monthly conversations. A faster tempo does not add more total effort time to a decision. If anything, a slower tempo results in the inefficiencies of more effort time.