A Path Method: Path questions and actions
Now, we start to create our path. Our path is a sequence of actionable questions formed from our unknowns. What we do is go through each of our unknowns and translate each into at least one actionable question, a question we can possibly answer through some kinds of action. Actions include visualizing options, asking someone for insights, searching online, and trying something new. Other actions are possible as well.
We identify at least one action for each question. Then we organize our questions into a list, in the order we will work on them. The order is influenced by the logic of what needs to happen before something else, as well as the availability of resources and time. The kinds and order of our questions will shift and change as we move along a path, and as reality shifts and changes because of our actions and without regard to our actions. We always position at the bottom of the list, any questions that are currently non-actionable. These are typically questions related to prediction and speculation.