A Radical Kindness


A Radical Kindness


A Radical Kindness
The Way of Self-Compassion
Jack Ricchiuto 2021, NuanceWorks
Paperback, 176 pages

Also available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle

"A Radical Kindness" is a collection of essays describing the practice, possibilities, and benefits of self-compassion. It is inspired by the work of Kristin Neff, Byron Katie, and Sensei Koshin Ogui.

The book is organized into 6 sections: Acceptance, Suffering, Kindness, Unkindness, Expanding, and Noticing. It explores several questions.

Does self-compassion require that we become less imperfect?
What are 12 kinds of self-unkindness and how can we practice self-compassion in our everyday lives?
What are the 5 languages of self-kindness?
What are 12 things we will notice about our life as we practice self-compassion?

Self-compassion is based on the ancient and paradoxical wisdom that only when we fully accept who we are can we expand into what else is possible. We find truth in serenity and beauty in imperfection. This is a radical kindness.

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