The Poetry of Human Emotion

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The Poetry of Human Emotion


A science-based guide to emotional well-being

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The Poetry of Human Emotion
A Science-based Guide to Emotional Well-Being

2020 Jack Ricchiuto, NuanceWorks
Paperback, 312 pages

For details on webinars on emotional well-being email Jack:

Buy the Paperback on Amazon - $16.95

Buy the Kindle version on Amazon - $0.99

Among the many things that it means to be human is a daily wish to enjoy more and struggle less. This means living our best emotional life possible. Our best emotional life possible means having an accurate understanding of how our emotions work.

The new fairly mind-blowing new science of emotion is challenging our common, learned sense of how emotions work. Which of the following seem true?

  • Emotions are triggered by situations

  • We can get our emotions right and wrong

  • Feelings and emotions are the same

  • We have conscious and unconscious emotions

  • The brain is divided into emotional and rational regions

  • We can learn to accurately interpret emotional body language in others

  • There are emotions that can become problems for us

  • Emotions can last for hours or longer

According to the latest brain science, none are true.

The Poetry of Human Emotion draws from the latest neuroscience to outline a path for emotional well-being in every dimension of our life. 25-time author Jack Ricchiuto provides practical approaches to living our best emotional life possible. This includes a 30-Day Guide to Emotional Well-Being featuring practices outlined in the book.

The book explores and outlines how emotional well-being is the freedom to expand our range of emotions in any dimensions of our life. The wider our emotional range, the more well-being we enjoy on all levels. The narrower our range, the more we struggle and suffer. Expanding our emotional range is possible when we experience ourselves as the authors of our emotions.

This book is for people committed to emotional well-being. It is for individuals, friends, and couples who simply want to grow more meaningful emotional lives. It is for those who struggle with anxiety, depression, burnout, transitions, or trauma. It is for those who support the struggling as care givers, leaders, coaches, therapists, and teachers. And it is for parents and grandparents who want the best emotional lives for their children and grandchildren.


The new science of emotion
The not so secret life of emotions
Emotions in perspective
The art of emotional authorship
Everyday emotions
Practices of emotional well-being
The chemistries of connection
About the author
A 30-Day Guide to Emotional Well-Being

For an article on the book in a nutshell, visit The (fairly mind-blowing) new science of emotional well-being. (Medium - 4 min. read)