



Path: The Art of Organizing Uncertainty

2019 Jack Ricchiuto | Nuance Works

Paperback 160p

From the Back Cover

What if you could organize any kind of uncertainty? What if all it took was shifting your language? What if organizing uncertainty could transform our lives into lives of endless discovery?

These are the conversations invited in Jack's latest work, Path. In a dialogue style, the book explores viable alternatives to goals and plans that actually fail 92% of the time.

Uncertainty is not evidence of human failure. It's the essence of human experience and the most profound opportunity space we can ever know.

A path method makes organizing uncertainty possible in any context. Our world needs this more than ever. Join the conversaTion.

A Path Method Workshop is now available

For more on the workshop click here.

To receive a complementary copy of A Path Method Guide, a step by step introduction to the method, contact

Book Workshop and Talk

From 1:30-3p on November 23, 2019 at Visible Voice Books in Tremont (Cleveland), I will facilitate a free interactive workshop on A Path Method. Another for January will be announced soon. 


We live in a world where we have access to more information in a day than anyone a few generations ago had in a year. This reality has unprecedented impacts on our relationship to the future.

It is perhaps no coincidence, nor greater paradox, that the more information we have access to, the more uncertainty experience.

For all our predictive optimism or cynicism, the future remains curiously unknowable. As certain as we might be about at least knowing ourselves, we can't even predict our next twenty thoughts. Being adaptive has become the new normal.

There is a profound correlation between how much we enjoy our life and our relationship to uncertainty. Our capacity to enjoy life is equal to our capacity to view uncertainty as a magnificent opportunity space.

Uncertainty is the most fertile space of exploration and creativity we will ever know. Tapping into its immense power is simply a matter of translating it into inspired paths of productive questions.

The dialogue here is a shared exploration into how we can make uncertainty more magical than we ever imagined.

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