Working on the Same Side of the Table

The Flawless Planning Model is designed so everything and anything that could emerge can instantly be included in one of the lists as a scenario, assumption, ambiguity, question, or action.

Everything described as a goal, objective, strategy, problem, dream, initiative, challenge, mandate, project, or program is one possible scenario among other possible scenarios. We take our best guess at where to locate them on the four scenario quadrants.

Potential assumptions, ambiguities, questions, and actions can emerge as complaints, criticisms, hopes, concerns, dreams, agreements, disagreements, proposals, theories, hypotheses, predictions, optimisms, pessimisms, doubts, beliefs, or suggestions.

We translate anything that we put on our assumption and ambiguity lists into questions. We translate our questions into actions that lead to new answers—moving the plan forward—using what we have—one step at a time.

When people have data to share in the form of anecdotes, stories, or reports, we invite them to share what they have at any time.

When people try answering questions with more assumptions and ambiguities, we simply make sure they put these on the assumptions and ambiguities lists. In Flawless Planning, answers come from actions—not debating, discussing, or dividing over assumptions and ambiguities.

No one ever has to filter their contributions. No one has to approve anything that goes on any lists. No one has to take sides on anything because every contribution is welcome and valued in the process. There is no other side of the table. We’re always working together on the same side of the table.

When plans involve uncertainties, what we don’t know is always more important than what we do know. More questions lead to better questions. When our process is question-based, we are smarter together. Our plans work.