Stir Kinetic Desk wants you to have a desk that adapts to your habits and transient status of well-being.
Perhaps you’ve heard: Sitting is the new smoking. For years, a growing body of research has shown sitting for extended periods of time, the way most of us do for 50 to 70 percent of our lives, can cause a host of issues from lower back pain to diabetes to an increased risk of death.
Accordingly, various models of standing and adjustable-height desks have made their way to market, mostly targeting white-collar professionals who can spend upwards of eight hours a day sitting in front of a computer. The latest of these is the Stir Kinetic Desk, a desk that automatically and strategically adjusts between sitting and standing positions based on data it collects about your habits over time.
The Stir Kinetic desk is the first product out of the Los Angeles startup Stir, whose employees include veterans from Apple, Ideo, NASA, and Disney. Stir’s CEO, JP Labrosse, who recently stopped by Fast Company’s office to give me a demo, is an alum of the original iPod team that was at Apple more than a decade ago.
via Watch: This Desk Knows When You Should Stand, Sit, Or Just Breathe