Classrooms Flipped

Three years ago, Clintondale High School, just north of Detroit, became a “flipped school” — one where students watch teachers’ lectures at home and do what we’d otherwise call “homework” in class. Teachers record video lessons, which students watch on their smartphones, home computers or at lunch in the school’s tech lab. In class, they do projects, exercises or lab experiments in small groups while the teacher circulates.

Clintondale was the first school in the United States to flip completely — all of its classes are now taught this way. Now flipped classrooms are popping up all over. Havana High School outside of Peoria, Ill., is flipping, too, after the school superintendent visited Clintondale. The principal of Clintondale says that some 200 school officials have visited.

via Turning Education Upside Down

Most interestingly, teachers and schools now take on flipping classrooms with the zeal of pioneers even when no one has yet amassed great volumes of data on it. It just makes sense to educators looking for new way to engage students. The evidence so far point to all around gains in academic indicators.