One of the more striking aspects of my work is seeing people who don't create space for larger dreams. Not doing so constrains their capacity for deep meaning in life. Some have never dreamt large. They believe dreaming is the domain of the divinely inspired. They define success as the prevention of risks that abound with larger dreams. They fear that having larger dreams would make living small lives with other small minded and hearted people intolerable. They think dreams are locations to arrive at in the unknowable future rather than lenses through which to more clearly seeing new present possibilities. They resist larger dreams because they require a kind of collaboration that negates their narcissism.
Dreaming gives us fresh eyes. Dreams infuses our lives and efforts with amazing hope. With larger dreams, we become more alive in the present.
When invited to do so with simple and powerful questions, many people learn how to have and move in the direction of larger dreams. They connect with others to create space that makes the impossible more possible.