Reflections On Ferguson

Another racially challenged US community has imploded on the national and international stage. Even with careful scanning of updates and editorials the real dynamics, causal and emerging, are not always transparent. It's what we call a wicked problem, resisting simple, linear, historical solutions. Military and police force, political blame throwing and disciplinary curfews are just a few classic examples of simple, linear and historical strategies. This is a broken community. Like all broken communities, hope and healing will depend on the community's network weavers convening and connecting people in new small acts that build trust and create new narratives. As the community strengthens corrupt and inept community leaders lose credibility and power to continue to divide the community.

These network weavers are often everyday individuals and informal change agents, volunteers and mentors, teachers and faith leaders. They hold space for new conversations that have the power to create new community connections. We wish them the best.