In an Agile Canvas organization, everyone has access to each team's Canvas boards that hold space for their standing and timestamped intentions, questions and sprints.
Intentions are what we want to see and need to be possible. Questions are anything we need to research and/or decide. Sprints are the actions dedicated to 2 week cycles of work that will answer questions and realize intentions.
There are two kinds of intentions, questions and sprints, standing and timestamped. Standing are ongoing and timestamped items that have specific doneness target dates. Things usually considered systems and processes are standing and things related to projects and requests are timestamped.
Access means the ability to add new intention, questions and sprint items to the bottom of any team's list and to add yourself as a member of an item. Teams continuously organized and update the order of items on each list so they are always working on the most important items, guaranteeing that everything most important will always get done.
Anyone who adds a new question, adds the following:
- Any attachments and links for context
- Names of anyone else recommended to participate
- Suggested timestamps
- Related hopes and concerns
- Capacity rating: 1-5 (l-h) level of related knowledge and experience with this decision
During sprint planning, the team assigns new questions to sprints in order of importance and with enough estimated lead time to answer them well and on time. New question proposers and recommended participants are included.
Questions are led by pairs of people with the highest capacity ratings. When proposers outside the team are the most knowledgable and experienced, the team invites them to be one of the pair assigned.
The pair leads facilitate all of the research and/or decision conversations so decisions are made with optimal intelligence, timeliness, engagement (which translates into support) and impact.