Applying The Agile Canvas To Running An Entire Organization

Applying the Agile Canvas to running an entire organization focuses on seven core organizational realities: targets, tasks, tempo, teams, transparency, trust and tensions.

The enterprise-wide application of the Agile Canvas features a significant pattern of benefits. 

  • People engage their strengths only in what's most important
  • People stay aligned in knowing what everyone is up to
  • People sustain optimal momentum on everything 
  • People work in a strong culture of trust and trustworthiness 
  • People leverage differences to catalyze learning and creativity

We use the Canvas to organize and manage all forms of leadership responsibilities, strategies, projects, standardized activities and day to day communication and work.

The Canvas makes sure we're always working on the right tasks at the right time. It sustains the kind of transparency that keeps everything in sync. With different cadences of sprints, momentum is consistent. We stay aligned in intentions, which supports trust, which is vital because groups move at the speed of trust. The process keeps new and rich questions front and center, which allows us to leverage change and differences as gifts to be engaged rather than problems to be fixed.