Predictability is not a requirement for clarity

One of the more ubiquitous challenges any team and organization daily faces is the ubiquity of unpredictability. Even when we hope our best intended and engineered decisions and plans create the assurance of predictability, they evoke and unfold new iterations of unknowns and unknowables. Every when we heroically execute our best decisions and plans, we unleash new generations of questions. 

In spite of the hypnotic seduction of our favorite assumptions, the future remains intrinsically unknowable. 

As much as this reality persists regardless of our efforts, what remains equally real us that we can be as clear about the future we want to create as we are unable to predict the future from the present.

Clarity is realizing the good we want to create. When we translate a long view good into short term action, we realize progress even as unpredictability remains life's constant.

Without clarity, we are deviled by unpredictability. Without clarity, we seek predictability and as a result create a future that tries to resemble the past. Predictability is the enemy of progress. Clarity makes progress possible.