The Google challenge

In his announcements this week, Google CEO Larry Page remarked:

“Almost every time we’ve done something crazy, we’ve made progress,” he said. “Not every time but a lot of the time. Now we’ve become kind of emboldened. I say we’re at 1% of what’s possible.”

via Google CEO on innovation: ‘We’re at 1% of what’s possible’ - Computerworld

This is Google. Think back to the world pre-Google. People who think this constitutes 1% are the kind of people who innovate the way Google does.

Google’s significant challenge is not in its maps and music categories but the challenge to companies and non-profits who create their own learning disabilities with beliefs other than the 1% perspective.

Self as app

The trend towards app reliance calls into question the future of self reliance. Now just at the dawn of appdom, we have yet to imagine what kinds of apps will replace more personal functions in our lives. It’s a question of what should and shouldn’t we outsource to apps.

A possible trend is more people taking back their life from apps the way people have done with other non-virtual electronics, appliances, and tools.