Work and project teams have a full boat of activity, coordination and communication to manage on a daily and weekly basis. Without a robust and scalable tool like Trello, everything is managed by emails, meetings and texts.
Here is a short list of things teams need to manage:
- Success and progress indicators
- The order and timing of success and progress indicators
- What is scheduled to get done every two weeks
- What needs to be researched and decided
- The details of progress on everything scheduled
- The conversations on all activities
- The assignments on all activities
- Shared resources
- The changes made on everything planned
All of these are communicated and managed on Trello without fragmented emails and wasteful meetings. An average Trello board used to organized the Agile Canvas process keeps everything completely visible, organized and editable in a single space which would otherwise get lost in literally hundreds or thousands of emails, meetings notes and unrecorded offline texts and conversations.