We are continuously learning from experience with the Canvas, continuing our 20 year commitment to continuous agile adaptation. The process continues to build on its roots in my global research on collaborative creativity, community building, agile project methodologies and the latest science.
The Canvas continues to be a simple, powerful and portable model for organizing any shared effort. It still builds trust and makes us smarter and faster together. We still start with what we want to see possible and generate questions from these. We continue to work in 2 week rhythms, always again working on our questions in order, and keep all assignments at high levels of integrity, initiative and inclusion. The process still requires no special leadership, certainties or resources.
The overall architecture is simplified into questions and actions, rooted in four distinct and uniquely engaging and productive conversations. The emphasis on conversation reminds people that the quality of our collaborations and shared destiny are equal to the quality of our conversations. We give more explicit attention to our available talents and resources which better supports our actions our questions. The most prominent shift is translating everything we want to see possible into questions which are the most powerful frames in a world where ambiguity and uncertainty are constants.