Putting roadmapping to work

Roadmapping is a scalable process for organizing the way we shape the future we want to see. It is realistic, responsive and resourceful.

As realistic, it works from questions rather than assumptions. As responsive, it adapts our maps to changes in our knowns and unknowns. As resourceful, it is based on and grows our capacities.

The 4 Principles of RoadMapping

Begin anywhere

It can be a dream or wish, problem or opportunity. From here, we have everything we need to make something good happen.

Create multiple paths

A pathway is a direction that matters to us. They are pathways that make sense. We can create two or more.

Move forward, one question at a time

We work along our paths through questions representing what is available and curious to us. Questions lead to individual and shared learning and doing.

Refresh your paths

Moving along paths reveals new possibilities. As we move along our paths, we edit, delete and add them in ways that make sense.

RoadMapping in a nutshell:

  • Start with anything

  • Sketch out two or more pathways

  • Translate relevant unknowns and actions into questions

  • Work and adapt your pathways, one question at a time