Teams have everything they need to grow

The idea that teams have everything they need to grow is both simple and radical. This applies to both slow and nimble teams.

It's a radical suggestion because the norm in many organizations is to be fixated on deficiencies, weaknesses and gaps. This fixation is based on the complete misunderstanding of teams and what growth requires. Growth is not the absence of what's wrong with the team it's the active engagement of the team's goodness.

Every team has the strength in talents and abilities that it needs to be clear on the good it wants to seek and how to make progress towards that good with exactly what the team has to work with.

It is equally important not to get fixated on the teams perceived constraints, threats and obstacles. This fixation only creates a sense of helplessness that slows down and prevents growth. Progress is not a function of overcoming helplessness but instead of embracing and engaging our goodness in the service of good.