What is the more salient differences between slow and nimble teams is the fact that slow teams tend to experience a victim of identity. They feel like victims to current circumstances, conditions, strengths, gaps and deficiencies.
What's interesting is that their sense of victimhood occurs precisely to the degree that they lack a shared, compelling sense of the future. Nimble teams have a shared sense of the future that they want to see possible and create together. This keeps them in the space of empowerment and agency rather than victimhood. Slow teams can move from victimhood into empowerment simply by creating and acting upon a shared sense of the future they desired together.
It doesn't matter whether the organization as a whole has an up-to-date or viable strategic plan. It doesn't matter how much certainty the team has relative to its own future. To be empowered is to create the kind of clarity about the future that makes us empowered and proactive in the present.