Does it (really) matter if people grow together?

Teams that grow together reach new levels of performance and possibility. The velocity of new levels is equal to the velocity of their growing together. 

It is an insane superstition to expect teams to perform better without growing together. This is expressed in the declaration that teams "don't have time to grow" given the pressure we exert on them. This is the dyslogic that if teams take time to grow, they're not doing their work, getting behind and making their numbers worse. It is profound ignorance about the relationship between growing and performing. 

Until leaders get clear that, when it comes to team performance, growth has power that pressure lacks. If a team doesn't know how to grow, it doesn't matter how many goals we impose on them, how much time we invest in the distrust of holding them accountable, how many lectures and motivational talks we send them through and how many mission and vision and value statements we wallpaper the organization with.

All that matters is growth.