Nimble education

What does education look like when the intention is to grow the next generation of nimble team members? 

At the least, it means graduations would involve portfolios of habits relevant to nimble team cultures. People would have strongly emerging growth mindsets, whatever their vocational focus or exploration. They would be fluent in defining good together, engaging and growing their goodness and the goodness of others. They would be comfortable in the commons and know how to contribute with integrity, inclusion and initiative. 

They would have spent a generous amount of time knowing the industries, professions or crafts they seek to engage their talents in. They would have already spent time interning that produced portfolios of work samples and stories that prepare them to start work immediately as a contributor.

This implies that all levels of education programs would be designed to make all of this possible. Growing would happen through actual work and engagement in a variety of growth contexts and media. If it takes completely changing how educators are equipped and education is designed, that's exactly what needs to happen. Education contributes value to society and communities when it operates from this good.