The immense power of emotional agility

In South Africa, where I come from, "sawubona" is the Zulu word for "hello." There's a beautiful and powerful intention behind the word because "sawubona" literally translated means, "I see you, and by seeing you, I bring you into being."

In her TED talk, Susan David talks about emotional agility. It is nothing less than the source of our engagement, resilience, connection and creativity.

In essence, it is the nuanced, radical realization of our emotions, all of them, without denial, buffering or medication. It is knowing how we and others feel with nuanced details of their complexity and transience. 

When we no longer fear or resist the nuances of our feelings, we realize the good signaled by all of our emotions. As we honor them, we honor ourselves. We welcome each other's good and goodness. Everyone feels valued. To be connected is to bring each other into being. We flourish.