(Re)introducing the blog here at JackRicchiuto.com

If you've been a frequent visitor to jackricchiuto.com you have noticed this weekend that the site has been been migrated to Square Space.

I'm continuing the blog here. The blog was one of the first blogs, starting in 2002. And for a number of reasons it's been a daily blog since then, originally branded as Jackzen.

It has always been focused on how we create a new future, a future different from the past. In the last few years, I've been more intentional about talking not just about new innovations, but more importantly, how we collaborate to create a future different from the past where we work, learn and live.

I encourage you to keep alive new conversations in your world. The quality of our world reflects the quality of our conversations.

Be an agent of change. Dare to dream, and more importantly, dare to be inspired by the impossible. That is what this work is about. Thank you for your contributions to the transformation of consciousness.
