This era offers us more ways to feel overwhelmed than perhaps our grandparents' era did. We get overwhelmed with the expectation that children's lives need to be continuously programmed, with the devolution of the social contract between employer and employee, with the daily barrage of information, with a world of unprecedented complexity and uncertainty, with profound shifts in how we undertand gender distinctions, with a growing intolerance for stress.
Overwhelm leads to a reactive, distracted mind which leads to more overwhelm. One way to get free from the cycle is mindfulness.
The practice of mindfulness is an accessible way to better manage overwhelm. It can be learned in 6-8 weeks and have positive lifelong impacts. It doesn't require any special place, conditions or technology. It can be practiced anywhere, anytime. When we teach it we teach things like mindful conversations, work, commuting, cooking, walking, eating, exercise, hiking and waking.
Mindfulness brings a more clear, calm mind. It is the ultimate alternative to overwhelm.