Some conversations are about growing new ideas, particularly in utility and tense conversations.
New ideas don't grow by discussing proposals. They grow in very specifically nurturing conversational environments. There are five idea nutrients: like, so, and, when and else.
Like is what we like about any idea that emerges. “What do we like about this idea?” Every idea has some potential upsides, even when the costs and downsides would consider the idea in its current form untenable. Acknowledging likes allows us to make sure the potential value of any idea inspires and informs next possibilities.
So is a question for more details on an idea. “So can you tell me more about how you see …?” Ideas with more details become more coherent and potentially useful moving forward. Details become inspiration for alternative considerations that grow ideas.
And is what could make an idea stronger. “And, we could also include …” We propose new features that could make an idea more useful and attractive and less costly to produce and use.
When is the timing of ideas. The most vital characteristic of successful ideas is that they are well-timed. “When could this idea happen, given what needs to come before?” We talk about what we might need to happen before this idea could be best possible. We talk about what factors would indicate the best timing for this idea. We move from whether to when.
Else is another way to achieve the same benefits of an idea. “How else could we realize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of this idea?” This is the simple groundbreaking invention of Kleenex to do the job of handkerchiefs without a pocket germ incubator.
The most significant impact of the idea nutrients is how they build trust between and among us. New ideas grow at the speed of trust.
... From the upcoming "The Art Of Conversations"