Invitation > 1. Opportunity> 2. Opportunity questions > 3. Path Shaping > 4. Path working > Path Notes

Opportunity questions

We turn opportunities into how can I questions. Opportunity questions are about something we would like to know how to do in any given path opportunity. Organizing uncertainty is about discovering how to do something we didn't exactly know how to do before.

Describe the opportunity you want to work on

Write in the style of journaling. Just note whatever comes to mind. You don’t have to filter, edit, or alter anything. See what feels most true.

Draft your opportunity questions.

Draft your working opportunity question for your work on paths. Stay open to the possibility that opportunity questions can change and shift emerge as you move along paths.

List potential opportunity benefits

There are benefits to working on any opportunity. Benefits can be personal (self-serving) and altruistic (other-serving), tangible and intangible, short term and long term.. These benefits inspire our work and play along a path. List as many potential benefits of working on your opportunity of choice. What could be the advantages of working on this opportunity? Name also benefits of benefits.

Invitation > 1. Opportunity> 2. Opportunity questions > 3. Path Shaping > 4. Path working > Path Notes