Invitation > 1. Opportunity> 2. Opportunity questions > 3. Path Shaping > 4. Path working > Path Notes

Overview - The Eightfold Path Method

  1. Choose an opportunity to work with

  2. Draft your opportunity question

  3. List potential opportunity benefits

  4. Create a list of your knowns and unknowns

  5. Form your path questions and actions

  6. Sequence path questions

  7. Choose your path momentum

  8. Keep updating and refreshing your paths


A note about documenting your path 

If you have a method and place to keep your todos, goals, or plans and it works, one option is to use this also to keep track and update your opportunity questions, contexts, and path questions.

If you don't, explore and try out different options. Physical notebooks, journals, and apps can all work. The best board app Is Trello. The best virtual notebook is Notability. Here is a public Trello Board that gives you a template to work from. Just duplicate this template board to use it for one of your own.

Growing your curiosity capacity 

A Path Method makes it possible for organizing uncertainty to be about continuous discovery.

The ways to grow our curiosity muscle are endless. Here are just some to consider and practice.

  • Conversations: In listening to others, be mindful of what's not obvious in what we're hearing

  • Reading: After reading headlines, come up with questions you have about the topic

  • Problems : As you notice any kinds of problems in your world, search for information on them

  • Social media: As you read stories or view photos, come up with as many questions as you can

  • Calendar: Look at any upcoming events and imagine different versions of what you'd like to see

7 Day Path Questions Practice

This is a sandbox practice to build your path questions muscle. Take about 10-15 minutes a day and record everything.

One per day, on each of 7 days, work on a current experience of uncertainty: a project, challenge, significant relationship, worry or concern, desired change, interest, and goal or plan.

For each, create as many questions as you can, using any of these action prompts:

  • What do you wonder about?

  • What would you like to clarify or confirm?

  • What would you like to explore, discover, learn, or look into?

  • What would you like to decide?

  • What options could you visualize?

  • What could you try, test, or experiment with?

  • What would you like to create the conditions for?

  • What would you like to make progress on or achieve?

Invitation > 1. Opportunity> 2. Opportunity questions > 3. Path Shaping > 4. Path working > Path Notes