Invitation > 1. Opportunity> 2. Opportunity questions > 3. Path Shaping > 4. Path working > Path Notes
Shape your paths
Paths are emergent and responsive sequences of actionable questions that answer our opportunity questions.
Create a list of your knowns and unknowns
What we know includes what's already clear, what is true, what is fact, and what you have evidence for. Knowns also include facts related to any resources, time, talents, and connections you have available. List all your knowns. What we don't know includes anything we think we don't yet know for sure. Unknowns are things we need to discover, learn, research, confirm, test, try, or decide. They include any kinds of hopes, concerns, opinions, and guesses.
Form path questions and actions
Drawing from your list of unknowns, create as many path questions as you can. Path questions are in the forms: who, what, when, where, why, how, should/could we, what if we, and what what would it look like if. For each path question, list at least one action. Path actions include verbs like: visualize (draft, decide), ask (interview, survey), Search (discover, learn), and try. (experiment, create).
Sequence your path questions
Organize your path questions in the order you will answer them. Consider two variables: dependencies and timing. Dependencies mean some things need to functionally and practically happen before other things. Timing means there can be optimal times to do things. This determines our most important questions: the ones we will work on next. Place all speculative and predictive questions toward the bottom of your dynamic list of questions.
Choose your path momentum
Momentum is how much time you will work on a path, and with what rhythm. You can establish a daily, weekly, monthly, or other rhythm of momentum. You can dedicate any amount of time to this rhythm, from a few minutes to an hour or more. You can shift this momentum any time you want, depending on time available and your sense of urgency.
Invitation > 1. Opportunity> 2. Opportunity questions > 3. Path Shaping > 4. Path working > Path Notes