Beyond goals and plans

Goals are future states whose value and validity are equal to the accuracy of assumptions they are based on. Assumption accuracy is equal to future predictability.

Specifically, it's having predictable:

  • Knowns, unknowns and learning

  • Capacities, resources, degrees of freedom

  • Stakeholder expectations and requirements

  • Relationships, collaborations and contributions

To the extent that these are not fully predictable, leading to unreliable assumptions, goals can actually lead to more costs than gains.

Plans are assumption-based linear methods to achieving goals. Because they are as assumption based as goals, they compound the risks and opportunity losses. Psychologically, people are more stressed than energized and engaged by plans because goals and plans evoke more doubt than confidence, which is what assumptions essentially do.

One alternative is the mindfully question-based process of RoadMapping. This keeps everything continuously realistic and rewarding. People feel inspired, energized, engaged and confident. This is the power of adaptive pathways and smart questions.